Online safety for Adults with Learning Disabilities.

Online safety for Adults with Learning Disabilities.
Nicola Simpson | Montgomery Training

We live in an increasingly digital age, where communication, learning, and entertainment are just a click away!

However, the online world can be tricky, especially for adults with learning disabilities. As Support Workers, we each play a key role in ensuring individuals can access the web safely.

Navigating the online world can be daunting, especially for individuals with learning disabilities. From scams that deceive to cyberbullying that traumatises, the internet poses several key risks. In response to their most recent research, the Ann Craft Trust advise that “Everyone should understand the risks of online scams and grooming.” (Ann Craft Trust, 2023). Here’s a closer look at the five major hazards individuals might encounter and how these challenges can impact their online experience.  

1: Scammers and Fraudsters 

will often target individuals with phishing emails, fraudulent offers, and dodgy websites. These deceptive tactics can lead to financial loss and identity theft. It’s crucial to stay vigilant and support individuals to recognise these dangers to protect their personal information and savings.

2: Cyberbullying and Harassment

often occur on social media and in online forums. These experiences can have a significant psychological impact on individuals with learning disabilities. It’s essential that we work collaboratively with individuals to create a safe online space to help reduce this risk

    3: Inappropriate, or Potentially Harmful Content

    might be accidentally encountered online, such as explicit material or violent images. Individuals may not be suitably equipped to handle exposure to such material. It’s important to implement safeguards to prevent access to this content; more on that later.

    4: Privacy Risks

    are prevalent online, where personal information can be easily shared or misused. This can lead to privacy breaches and the misuse of personal data. Supporting individuals to protect their personal information is crucial to reduce these risks.

    5: Misleading Information

     Individuals with learning disabilities aren’t always aware of the extent to which the internet is full of misinformation and misleading content; which can be confusing and potentially harmful to them. Relying on false information to support making important decisions, or indeed learning, can lead to potentially serious consequences. It’s vital that we support individuals to verify online sources to ensure accuracy and reliability.

    What We Can Do About It – 5 Top Tips for Teams

    1. Flushing out the Fraudsters 

    Education is key, here. Teach individuals how to identify common scam tactics, such as phishing emails, fake offers, and suspicious links. Show examples and explain the red flags to watch out for, like urgent requests for personal information or offers that seem too good to be true. 

    Support individuals to ensure that their devices have up-to-date antivirus and anti-phishing software installed. This can block fraudulent websites and alert them to potential scams before they engage with them.

    Encourage individuals to check the legitimacy of unsolicited messages by checking company websites, contacting the company directly, or asking for help. This can reduce the likelihood of them falling for scams by encouraging interaction only with genuine companies and their websites.

    2. Tackingling Cyberbullying  

    Help individuals set strong privacy settings on their social media accounts and other online platforms. This limits who can contact them and see their personal information, reducing the risk of unwanted interactions.

    Foster a supportive environment where individuals feel comfortable talking about their online experiences. Let them know they can always report instances of bullying or harassment to someone they trust without fear of judgment.

    Teach individuals how to block and report users who engage in bullying or harassment. Most social media platforms and online forums have easy-to-use tools for this purpose, which can help maintain a safer online space.

    3. Bypassing inappropriate and potentially harmful content

    Encourage individuals to use content filters, blocking access to potentially harmful websites. These tools can be customised to restrict specific types of content, ensuring a safer browsing experience.

    Teach individuals how to use safe search settings on search engines and enable restricted modes on platforms like YouTube. These settings help filter out harmful content from search results and video recommendations.

    Provide guidance on safe browsing habits; encourage individuals to ask for support if they encounter something unsettling or inappropriate online.

    4. Tackingling Cyberbullying

    Help individuals set strong privacy settings on their social media accounts and other online platforms. This limits who can contact them and see their personal information, reducing the risk of unwanted interactions.

    Foster a supportive environment where individuals feel comfortable talking about their online experiences. Let them know they can always report instances of bullying or harassment to someone they trust without fear of judgment.

    Teach individuals how to block and report users who engage in bullying or harassment. Most social media platforms and online forums have easy-to-use tools for this purpose, which can help maintain a safer online space.

    5. Tackingling Cyberbullying  

    Help individuals set strong privacy settings on their social media accounts and other online platforms. This limits who can contact them and see their personal information, reducing the risk of unwanted interactions.

    Foster a supportive environment where individuals feel comfortable talking about their online experiences. Let them know they can always report instances of bullying or harassment to someone they trust without fear of judgment.

    Teach individuals how to block and report users who engage in bullying or harassment. Most social media platforms and online forums have easy-to-use tools for this purpose, which can help maintain a safer online space.

    Navigating the digital world can be challenging for individuals with learning disabilities.

    • Sign up for one of my interactive digital inclusion workshops right here
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    Nicola Simpson | Guest Writer

    Montgomery Training

    The digital world exposes them to scams, cyberbullying, inappropriate content, and false information. This blog considers workable strategies to mitigate these risks, such as recognizing scams, using privacy settings, and verifying online information.

    We as frontline support teams, play a crucial role in implementing these strategies and ensuring a safer online experience for all individuals we support. By educating individuals, installing protective tools, and promoting open communication, we can help them navigate the internet confidently and securely. Our next steps are to apply these strategies consistently in daily practice and ourselves, stay in the loop about new online threats. Together, we can create a safer digital environment for everyone!

    If you’d like to learn more about how Sidqam provides care planning software that is customisable to your service requirements, feel free to reach out to one of our team or book a demo today and learn more about our software solutions for senior living, learning disability and remote care environments.